Coding on E-Ink since 2020
My experiences with monochrome programming.
Easily print-debug any text object in Vim
Finger doctors hate it! A single mother near you found this one weird Vim trick...
(日本人) (Japanese People)
How do the Japanese see themselves? Thoughts on a book I read.
You don't need a modern computer!
Using hardware a decade old (2012) as a software developer in 2023
How to set NEXT_PUBLIC_* environment variables in Docker
Can we make this relationship work?
Responsive Design with Styled Components
In this tutorial we will create some useful shortcuts to make implementing responsive designs with Styled Components a piece of cake.
Next.js with and without JavaScript
What about people with slow internet and or disabled JavaScript? Can we make sure our Next.js site looks good to them too?
Why your auth provider isn't working in Cypress
Everything working fine except when testing through Cypress? This might be what you need to do..
How to use your DSLR from 2008 as a webcam in 2022 (NixOS)
Why throw away your old Camera? In this guide we'll show you how simple it is to reuse your old Camera as a webcam using the NixOS linux distribution.
Are you committing from Vim the fast way?
A smol commit could only be a few keystrokes away. This handy vim shortcut will save your precious fingers.
Typing a classic JS one-liner
The line of code you never have to debug is the one you don't write. Lets count the occurrences of a list in one line.